
The goal of My Life of Travel is to give everyone the opportunity of creating travel journals and sharing their experiences with others. There is no charge for using any part of the site and you can create as many journals and as many entries as you require. Each entry has its own photo album into which you can upload as many photos as you require.

The Concept

The main concept is to create one journal for each trip or travel you have done. Within each journal you can create as many entries as you need to tell your story. Each entry contains its own photo album, allowing you to upload photos for each section of your trip.

Getting Started

Getting started couldn't be easier. Complete the registration page, confirm your email address by clicking the link in your confirmation email, and sign in.

On sign in, you will be taken to your 'travel home', from where you have full control over creating new journals, entries, uploading photos, changing settings, etc. If you do not sign in, you will only be able to view your account and cannot modify content or add favourite members until you sign in.

Advanced Sharing

By developing an advanced sharing facility, we have given you complete flexibility over who can see your journal entries. You can choose to either make journal entries public, or to select people from your contact list as required. This facility allows you to share different experiences with the public, with friends, and with your family.

Interactive Map

Your 'home page' contains an interactive map which highlights all the cities you have visited across all your travels. Each journal page contains an animated route map of cities you visited during the specific journal. This allows people to view your itinerary and find interesting places to visit.

Contact List

The contact list is used for sharing journal entries and for letting friends know that your journals have been updated. People must be added to your contact list and must have registered on the site before they can access private content.


While you are signed in and browsing other member's travels journals, an 'add to favourites' button will appear next to their name. By clicking this button, the member will be added to your favourites list for easy reference in the future.