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Travel Journals: Lijiang, China

Lijiang, China travel guide, information, journals, blogs, maps and photos.

麗江 , 大理 , 昆明八日游 (2004)

驅車前往搭乘[纜車前往蒼山], 登頂可眺望洱海碧波帆影....

Member: Mong
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雲南。秋色。Autumn in Yunam, China

〈內地的早餐〉 旅程的第二天。 其實,我們想過在大理完全不逗留,就那樣從昆明直接到麗江的。不過由於「陰錯陽差」的關係,我們結果還是在大理留了一夜。可是,由於之前一天實在是太早起床了(我其實是早上三時多就起床了,又睡不著,於是在收拾好行李之後我是在看《我們這一家》來消磨時間——即是說,在之前一天我睡了不足四小時!),在旅程第一天我們都顯得有點點累。加上大理相對上是一個較少景點的地方,於是我與友人都只是在這裡四週隨意走走,開始讓自己有那種放假的感覺。 由於我們已托旅店幫我們買了往麗江的大巴...

Member: Kwai
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

China and Tibet 2006

Fried rice and vegetable again. Reluctant hotelier gives hot showers and the rats in the room....

Member: Vernon
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Summer '07 - Heading West

Kanas lake is beautiful. It doesn't feel or look like China. The scenery and architecture are very different, though perhaps it should be expected since it's so close to Russia. Though it's beautiful, travel agents know it, and it has a horrible amo...

Member: Deedee
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Chinese Adventure

We arrived early in Panzhihua, a town straddling a swirling brown river and built in long strips along the steep banks on both sides. We had passed many such towns often with factories belching white fumes into the hazy air. After a quick breakfast ...

Member: Nicky Chick
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今天我會走到整個旅程海拔最高的地方。但之前,我們先參觀中甸最大的藏傳佛教寺院,看起來挺宏偉也很金碧輝煌。離開以後便到了一個季節性的湖泊 – 納柏海,超美啊~!波平如鏡把環山的倒影完完全全反映出來,好棒啊! 我們的四軀車經過伏龍橋左轉到德欽,如果我們一直走便可以走到四川。聽師傳說其實沿着公路走可以繞着中國走一圏,雲南-西蔵-新疆-內蒙-河北-江蘇-廣州-又可以到雲南咯~!世界真得意,氹氹團又跑回起點。縱然地點一樣,人亦一樣,但內在素質也許變改了不少~~ 車子慢慢步向最高點白馬雪山海拔429...

Member: Margaret
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Around the world...

Arriving in Dalat was a bit odd as it is right up in the Highlands and is about 10 degrees cooler than we have been used to. We had a great couple of days there. The town is pretty quiet but there are some great waterfalls and lakes in the area around ...

Member: Sarah and Ricky
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

~cHinA~ **yUNnaN**

mmm....this is my first time to yannan! uncle yu now working there and mum miss her little brother so I accompany mum to visit him.....i took 5 days SH and 3 days O, 心痛死... together with us also had my mum best fd Mr.& Mrs. Sung and their son Edmo...

Member: Irene
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Yunnan: Lijiang and Shangri-La

In theory a study week should be used for studying…. In practice, a 5 day holiday in one of the most beautiful parts of China sounded a lot more appealing. With this in mind Julian, myself and a Dutch friend set off for short holiday before I hit the ...

Member: Ena and Jules
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Southeast Asia

It's a bit late, but Happy New Year to all and thanks for the New Year Wishes. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, but internet service has been abysmal here in China. It's taking 30 to 40 seconds to load each page right now and this has been th...

Member: Pat
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

A collection of Lijiang travel blogs (journals) created by other travellers. This travel journal collection forms a comprehensive and unbiased Lijiang travel guide and resource for travel research about Lijiang, China. All content is provided by independent travellers.