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Travel Journals: Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan travel guide, information, journals, blogs, maps and photos.

Exploring The Global Mind in Asia

Shanghai! It's like New York! Pretty classy, yup. I immediately fought for my hotel room. The receptionists always said MAYO. No room. I then stood fast and started taking secretive notes. They would then finally give in. This theater was really old no...

Member: michael
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Taiwan Trip Jan 2005

In January of 2005, while living in Japan, I visited Tai Pei, Taiwan. My girlfriend, Mika, went to the University in Taiwan for 4 years. So we went to visit some of her classmates, visit the University and take in the sights of the city of Tai Pei. ...

Member: Daniel Alando
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

My world

Starting 12 May 2006 / Underwater pics of Tioman...

Member: Fabrice
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Travelling in the Far East

From Hong Kong we travelled to the Portuguese colony of Macao. After leaving the busy harbour, we passed between many islands. On reaching the open sea, the rain began again and lasted all day. At least it was warm, so one didn’t really mind being wet....

Member: Desiree-Rose
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tAIwaN *TaIpEi*

5人同遊 + 4日3夜 + 台北之旅終於結束啦~ 今次係我5隻手指可以數得晒既勇氣大考驗其中一次...哈! 都係因為咁所以愛錫我既朋友仔都十萬個唔願意我做出今次既決定~~對於任性既我當然係左耳入右耳出啦!!獨自去旅行決心唔會改變但怕家人擔心所以只好將我旅程分成2部份~前半part同朋友仔一齊出發後半part自己獨自返香港!! 今次旅程比起上次算係有足夠時間比我任食任玩!!每日行程都排得滿滿~西門丁、士林夜市、淡水、北投、美麗華摩天輪、101....都要多得『E利高』呢個台灣迷hehe. ...

Member: Irene
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan

On the way to India for the last three times I have gone, we have always traveled the route through Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. These are the pictures......

Member: Jesse
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我尋晚寫左封信俾佢,唔知佢有冇睇呢?大家係車都成日講話我鍚住佢唔俾佢輸.哈,我到宜家都中記得囉... 一早去食度小月,其間有個法輪功同佢宣傳,佢太好人啦...人地一路講佢一路聽,唔會打斷人地講野 之後食野佢冇位坐,讓我地食先,哈哈... 然後係下一站,遊樂場,呢度係我今次旅行最開心嘅地方. 未入去之前,導遊俾左間兩張雙人床嘅房我,O了... 落左去遊樂場,當然我繼續影佢相,去到一個室內影相(好似貼紙相)嘅地方,我繼續跟住佢,我完全係不停咁影佢,佢都冇理過我,助手坐左係度...我見佢成頭汗,...

Member: Regina
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

laze around the world...all trips here

First trip to toronto, me and rach stayed at mary's apartment which is on the top floor of the building with a very very big balcony. mary slept in the master bedroom, rach in mary's in the den in a sleeping bag!!! despite the fact that her ...

Member: lazy
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Asia 2006

I originally hoped Patty would join me in Bali for my final eight days. She was busy, however. Jim joined me for the eight days. I got my scuba certificate while in Bali....

Member: Bruce
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Justin's World Tour 2006-2007

Greetings everyone from the heart of the former evil empire. Yes I am still alive...this is a good sign haha. Anyways my god do I ever have alot to talk about. Russia is just incredible, lets just say its the most crooked, culturally intense, beautiful...

Member: Justin
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Taiwan Biz Trip

This was my first biz trip. Very nice experience to meet the Jimmy SPA CEO and other strong business-women....

Member: Scholas
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

My first trip to Asia

My first trip to Asia! Crazyness. Carlos arrived in Ft. Lauderdale last night and Jenny picked us up at 4am this morning after only 3 hours of sleep. We took our first flight to Chicago on United Airlines. We had some time and Carlos can get us into al...

Member: Michelle
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旅行的第三日, 又是最後一天留在台北 真捨不得回港.. 早餐是在 cafe 裡, 然後去了台北車站對面的商場 還記得遇上一個不知名戴帽的男藝人, 哈 也因為行李已經很重, 沒有空位, 便在地下街買了一個手拉輕便行李袋呢 於乘車往機場前, 也買了一件狗狗的衫給仔仔 哈, 牠的身型真大呢 XD 去機場的費用也剛好, 再貴少少也回不了香港 哈哈...

Member: Regina
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travel everytimes

San Fransisco for 2 weeks...

Member: scarrie
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

Taiwan Tour(from South to North)

@ Kao Hung...

Member: Kwai
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

7 days 6 nights in Taiwan @ 2007 Jan

08.01.07-14.01.07 @ Taiwan This's my 3rd time to visit Taiwan. 3 members of Clumsy Club go to Taiwan together,to meet another new member of CC. Irene-US's respresentative, Mandy & I-HK's respresentatives, Larry-Taiwan's respresentative. I...

Member: Yau
Journal contains photos  Journal contains text

A collection of Taipei travel blogs (journals) created by other travellers. This travel journal collection forms a comprehensive and unbiased Taipei travel guide and resource for travel research about Taipei, Taiwan. All content is provided by independent travellers.